Use case
Optimising nitrogen fertilisation based on spectral sensing and crop modelling
Target groups
- Conventional farming
- Organic farming
- Companies
Crop productivity and quality depend on large inputs of nitrogen (N) into cropping systems. The global average N-use efficiency (NUE) in cropping systems is, however, only 30-50% of applied N. The reasons for this are crop requirements that are poorly matched with application time of fertilisers, spatially variable N requirements of crop plants and seasonal fluctuations in weather conditions.
Farm/IT uses an innovative approach for estimating N fertilisation by linking spectral reflectance data with crop modelling. The crop model simulates season-specific plant growth and N demand, while the spectral sensor provides data on actual N content of the canopy. This information, together with weather forecasts, will be used to make tailored fertiliser recommendations.
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Screenshots of Farm/IT
FARM/IT can be used with any actual web-browser. After entering some basic data, you can optimize individual agricultural scenarios.